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Empire Apex 2 Barrel for Tippmann Cronus Paintball Guns (See Description) - 18"
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Empire Apex 2 Barrel for Tippmann Cronus Paintball Guns (See Description) - 18"
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Our Price: $74.95

Quantity in Stock:5

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Product Code: APEX2-OD-CRONUS-18

About This Listing

This listing is for a custom-machined Apex2 barrel that will fit your Tippmann Cronus or Cronus Tactical. The Cronus line has an adapter for the barrel cover to fit on, and the inside diameter of the adapter is smaller than the outside diameter of the Apex2 barrel.

We'll take a standard A-5 threaded Empire Apex2 barrel and cut it down so that it fits in your marker's adapter. The cost of the labor ($20) is included.

Empire Apex2

The APEX2 Barrel System has again redefined how paintball is played. The new stealth look of the APEX2 Barrel will provide you with unmatched distance and accuracy enabling you to hit targets that you thought were unhittable before. The adjustable ramp switch now comes with 9 levels of control to customize your level of curve and spin, from no spin to unbelievable. The APEX2 also allows you to disassemble the barrel without tools for easy maintenance.
The APEX2 like the original APEX barrel can still produce long ball distance shots, shots that “drop down from the heavens”, left and right curve balls, and with its re-designed internal section allow for longer- flatter trajectory shots with the twist of the barrel. Opponents can run but can’t hide with the new APEX2 from Empire Battle Tested.

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